I've been sat looking at these two pictures for a while now, trying to decide which I think is the best.
For one of the photos I used my Diana camera which is a medium format film camera. This is a manual camera which meant that I had to choose the correct film for the conditions (in this case ISO 400) and estimate the light levels to get the correct exposure. I had to choose the aperture and shutter speed and manually focus the camera by guessing the distance to the subject. When I had finished the film I had to store the roll in my bag for a week before posting it off to get it developed and scanned.
I really love the finished photo, I think the colours are fantastic, the red coat really pops out and the grain on the film gives the picture some real texture. The red colour which you can see in the bottom of the picture is where the roll of film wasn't stored properly and some light has got into the finished roll and damaged the film. I personally think it really adds to the final picture, but it is a completely unintentional accident that its there.
The second photo was taken with my phone and put through an app which applies filters to give it an old-fashioned look. It adds the light leaks and the grain. It also adds the darkening effect around the edge of the picture, just like the film camera does.
So, one picture was easy to take and one took much more time and effort (not to mention money). Does that mean that one has more value than the other? Personally, I prefer the photo taken on film, I like the mistakes and the imperfections. I quite like that Meg's hair is in her face and I like the dreamy soft focus look. I like that I didn't know how the finished picture would look.
But at the same time, I can see that the camera phone picture is technically a better picture. It has a better composition, Meg looks happier and everything is much sharper and in focus.
I can understand that the taking of the Diana picture itself has given it value to me personally, but I'm interested in which picture other people would prefer to look at. Just because the Diana picture has more personal value to me, it doesn't follow that it has any more value as an artistic object.
I feel that to create something of artistic value shouldn't be as easy as it is using a camera phone, but equally I also think that if I was to choose one of the above pictures objectively, without knowing anything about how they were created, I would probably prefer the phone picture.
Which leads me to the following conclusion, to fully appreciate a piece of art we need to know about how it was created. To appreciate it in purely aesthetic terms, in a bubble, is to only half appreciate it.
But I don't like that conclusion, so I refuse to believe it.
I'm interested in what you all think. Does one of the pictures above have more value than the other? Should creating art be difficult, or is it OK for it to be easy? Comment below, if you'd like.
Here are some more pics for you to compare...